Ann Shaffer earned her MLS (with music specialization) and MA in Musicology from Indiana University, as well as a BA in Music and Medieval Studies from Smith College. At the UO Libraries, she is the subject liaison to the School of Music and Dance, providing research assistance, course-integrated instruction, and library collection development for music and dance. She leads the UO Libraries Music Team, shaping local policies for cataloging music scores and recordings, manages the Douglass Room, and coordinates the staffing of the Music Reference Desk. Currently she serves on the UO Libraries Grants and Awards Committee and as one of the Libraries' two representatives on the UO Senate. Additionally, she is a union steward and the Libraries' representative to United Academics. She is an active member of the Music Library Association and the Music OCLC Users Group. She has previously worked at Indiana University's Archives of African American Music and Culture, IU's William and Gayle Cook Music Library, the Nimitz Library at the U.S. Naval Academy, and the Music Division of the Library of Congress.
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