Access and Use Policy

The UO Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) grants all researchers equal access to its collections, subject to uniformly enforced restrictions placed on materials by deed of gift or purchase stipulation, statutory authority, or by SCUA for preservation, processing, or other administrative purposes.  Any adult may use our collections. Anyone under the age of 18 must be closely supervised at all times by an adult. The following policies and procedures governing access and use are designed to balance the needs and rights of researchers, the exclusive rights of copyright holders, and the library’s stewardship responsibilities. The library reserves the right to refuse service for non-compliance with these rules. 


Video: What to expect during your visit to Special Collections and University Archives


Registration and Requesting Materials

Any researcher wishing to view SCUA materials in our Paulson Reading Room is required to register for a library account and verbally agree to this access and use policy.  

All materials must be requested via the UO Libraries catalog at least five business days in advance of your visit. We do not pull materials on demand. Materials already on hold are accessible at any time during our public hours

  • We do not allow access to unprocessed and/or unarranged collections. 
  • Collections may be temporarily unavailable due to processing, conservation, or digitization. 



Paulson Reading Room Rules

  • Location of use and monitoring: Materials may only be viewed in the Paulson Reading Room, and the room is monitored by video cameras for safety and security purposes. 
  • Permitted Items: Include pencil, paper or notebook, laptop and charger (no case), cell phone, digital camera and charger (no case). All other personal belongings (including all backpacks, briefcases, bags, purses, coats, jackets, hats, and scarves) must be stored in a locker provided by the registration desk staff. Any personal property left in a locker will be taken to Lost and Found at the Circulation Desk, ground floor of Knight Library. If not claimed in a timely manner, items may be disposed of pursuant to UO’s property disposition rules. 
  • Prohibited items: No food or beverages, including chewing gum and water, are allowed. All bags and large personal items must be stored in a locker. Do not leave spillable containers in the locker with your personal property. Pens, highlighters, and markers are prohibited. 
  • Reading room layout: Researchers may be assigned to a table during periods of high-volume traffic. Researchers must be seated at a table facing the reference desk. 
  • Service animals: The University of Oregon's policy on service animals permits only dogs that have been individually trained to perform tasks for individuals with a disability to be allowed in the Paulson Reading Room. 
  • Noise: All conversations should be kept to a minimum out of consideration for other researchers. Cell phones and laptops should be muted. If you need to make a cell phone call, do so outside the department. Please respect the privacy of other researchers. 
  • Exiting: Upon completion of your work, you must show registration desk staff all items you brought into the Paulson Reading Room to aid you in your research. This includes laptops, pads of paper, and loose sheets of paper. 

Handling Materials

Researchers must respect the fragile nature of the materials and adhere to the handling directions of reading room staff. Do not mark in or on them in any way. Place pencils on the table while turning pages. 

  • Use of materials: Researchers are permitted to view only one box or one book at a time. If you are part of a group or assisting with research, you may view only one box per group and one folder per individual from a box at a time. Do not share/pass folder contents. 
  • Handling of manuscripts and archival material: Please retain the order in which materials are placed in boxes. Use folder markers available from desk staff and remove only one folder at a time. A folder must be laid flat on the table. Do not rest an arm on a document or write notes on paper or cards placed on top of a document. 
  • Handling of books: All books should be handled with extreme care. Do not place stress on the binding by opening the book flat. Bound materials must be placed on supports, and weights must be used for tight bindings. 
  • Handling of photographs: Use gloves provided by reference desk staff to handle photographs or negatives. A light box for viewing negatives is available upon request.  
  • Returning materials: Return all materials to the reference desk staff when you leave for the day. Let desk staff know if you are finished with the materials or if you wish to place them on hold. 

Camera Use in the Reading Room 

  • Personal research only: All photographs must be for personal research use only. Researchers interested in acquiring high-resolution scans can contact the library’s digital production unit.  
  • Permitted equipment: We allow handheld cameras, cell phones, and tablets. Flash and sound must be disabled. Document cameras may be permitted with advance approval.  
  • Prohibited equipment: Flatbed or desktop scanners, slide viewers, tripods, video cameras, camera bags, flash functionality or lights, copy stands, audio components, or stools are not permitted in the reading room. 
  • Professional photography or filming: Photography and/or filming must be arranged in advance pursuant to the filming policy at the bottom of this page.  

Reproduction and Permissions

Visit our reproductions and permissions page for information on digitization services, notification of use forms, and copyright information.   

Reproductions and Permissions


Privacy of Materials and Restrictions on Access and Use 

Please respect the unpublished nature of the contents of manuscripts and archives. Be aware that disclosure of certain information pertaining to identifiable living individuals without the consent of those individuals may have legal ramifications (e.g., a cause of action for invasion of privacy may arise if facts concerning an individual's private life are published that would be deemed highly offensive to a reasonable person) for which the University of Oregon assumes no responsibility. Researchers will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless UO Libraries and the University of Oregon, its Board of Trustees, its officers, employees, and agents against all claims, demands, costs, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees incurred by copyright infringement or any other legal or regulatory cause of action arising from the use of SCUA materials. Some materials in Special Collections and University Archives may contain sensitive or confidential information protected under federal and/or state privacy laws and regulations. Materials may need to be reviewed by a curator for confidential materials prior to access. Researchers are advised that the disclosure of certain information pertaining to living individuals may have legal implications. Researchers who find sensitive personal information in any collection should immediately notify a SCUA staff member. Some examples of this type of information include but may not be limited to: 

  • letters of recommendation for students, faculty or staff 
  • personally identifiable information about individual students beyond minimal directory-related information
  • employment records containing confidential data or personnel information, including faculty tenure and promotion information and faculty grievances 
  • medical information about individuals
  • information about gifts and donors

University Archives 

The University of Oregon Archives holds the permanent historical records of the university. The Archives provides unrestricted access to those permanent university records not exempt from disclosure under the Oregon Public Records Act (ORS 192.001 et seq.) or otherwise protected by state and federal right to privacy laws, including but not limited to FERPA and HIPAA. 

Filming Policy 

For any commercial requests for filming, please see UO Libraries' Filming and Photography Policy. SCUA supports filming of our materials within the following parameters:    

  • Space and Scheduling: Scheduling must be confirmed by contacting SCUA ( at least one month in advance. Alternative dates/times may be suggested depending on space and staff availability, with preference given to instruction and research activities. Elevator access is available for transporting filming equipment.  Advance permission is required for bringing any equipment into the reading room. Lighting equipment is not permitted due to the damage it causes to the collections. 
  • The Ken Kesey Classroom (LIB 201) is our primary filming space. 
  • The Paulson Reading Room may be available but can only be scheduled for use during non-public hours.    
  • Handling: All reading room rules for handling materials remain in effect. Use of all appropriate handling props will be enforced by SCUA staff.    
  • Staffing: An assigned SCUA staff member will be present for the duration of the filming session.  
  • Students: UO students can contact the department ( to discuss materials, access, and questions around scheduling. Exceptions for scheduling may be available for UO students.