Signs and Bulletin Boards Policy

To minimize confusion, reduce information overload, and to maintain pleasing aesthetics, unauthorized signs, notices, or flyers may not be posted in the buildings of the UO Libraries.

Pamphlets may be placed on service desks at the discretion of the department head responsible for that area.  Permission must be granted by Library Administration or the Branch Department Head for signs and table tents in an area other than a service desk.

In the Knight Library, visitors may post notices on the bulletin board in Room 119, near the vending machines. These notices must be dated, and those older than one week or posted outside the bulletin board frame will be removed.

The University of Oregon is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. Accommodations for people with disabilities will be provided if requested in advance.

Approved by Library Council January 6, 2005
Revised by Library Council December 7, 2010