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The UO Libraries and the UO Judaic Studies Program invite you to explore Sovetish Heymland and the Making of Socialist Yiddish Culture after Stalin. This exhibition celebrates the recently gifted Sovetish Heymland journal, generously donated by Esther Frank. Enriching UO’s collections, the journal offers a unique window into Jewish/Yiddish cultural history under Soviet rule. Located in the lobby of Knight Library, this exhibit will be on display through April 18.
The UO Libraries Tiny Galleries Team invites UO students to submit proposals for site-specific installations in Knight Library and the Design Library. Showcase your coursework and research through 3D or 2D installations, transforming spaces into immersive experiences while engaging with the campus community and academic discourse.
Movie fans may know James Ivory as the director of such beloved films as “A Room With a View” and “Howards End,” and a 2018 Oscar winner. But before he became famous for bringing works by authors such as E.M. Forster and Henry James to the screen, Ivory was an Oregonian, raised in Klamath Falls, who in 1951 earned a degree in fine arts from the University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts.
Did you know you can find new books by UO faculty in Knight Library?📚 They're on the New Books bookcase at the west end of the main lobby near the checkout desk. Check them out—literally—and learn more about faculty books in this story from the Office for Research and Innovation.
At Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA), we take pride in fostering a spirit of collaboration, inquiry, and research. So, we are thrilled to announce the newest cohort of research fellows who will be joining us in our mission to explore, preserve, and discover scholarly insight.
The UO's archivist and historian, Ben Murphy, plays a crucial role in deciding what to include in the University Archives and ensuring the preservation of those materials. He also introduces students to the collections and teaches them how to conduct research using primary sources. Learn more about Ben.
Read how Library Manager Michael Brown and his team of two staff and a dozen student employees spent eight months organizing, weeding, and deciding how to handle hundreds of thousands of items from the former Concordia library. Now, the UO Libraries collections in Northeast Portland are a seamless blend of former Concordia and UO Portland items easily available for students, faculty and community members.
The recently refurbished Asian Collection in Knight Library is already drawing students and others into its serene spaces to explore materials from graphic novels to ancient folklore across many Asian cultures.
The Oregon Digital Newspaper Program recently finished digitizing the complete run of the Portland Observer, an African American newspaper published in Portland from 1970 to the present. The Portland Observer joins the growing collection of African American newspapers in Historic Oregon Newspapers as well as other African American publications available through UO Libraries.