2002: Masters in Library & Information Science, University of California, Los Angeles
1996: Masters in Geography, Rutgers University
1992: Bachelors in History, Oberlin College
Areas of Interest:
critical thinking skills, evidence based instruction, reference
Teaching/Service/Selected Publications:
Harlan, L., Cloo, D., Murray, J., Smith, K., & Zeidman-Karpinski, A. (2017). Uploadable content: Collaboration in a video game advisory team. College & Research Libraries News, 78(7), 385. doi
Turnbow, D., & Zeidman-Karpinski, A. (2016). Don’t Use a Hammer When You Need a Screwdriver: How to Use the Right Tools to Create Assessment That Matters. Communications In Information Literacy, 10(2).
Schaack, G & Zeidman-Karpinski, A. (2017). The Mathlete Program at the University of Oregon Libraries. Peer-assisted learning in academic libraries, edited by Erin Rinto, John Watts, & Rosan Mitola. Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited, an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC
Zeidman-Karpinski, A. (forthcoming). Biographical entries for Eslanda Robeson, Dr. Marguerite Thompson and Dr. Dolores Spikes. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Evelyn Higginbotham (Eds.). African-American National Biography. Oxford University Press.
"10 Things a New Librarian Should Know," Science & Technology Services division of the Association of College & Research Libraries, American Library Association Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 22, 2003.
Professional Organizations:
American Library Association
Association of College & Research Libraries (Science & Technology Section)