My Library Accounts

LibrarySearch Account ❱

Your LibrarySearch account is used to submit requests for UO and ILL (Interlibrary Loan) material, monitor the status of these requests, determine what UO or ILL items you have checked out, request renewals for UO and ILL material, view and run Saved Searches, and more.

If you have any trouble checking your account, please call the Checkout & Reserves Desk, 541-346-3065 to determine the status of your outstanding requests and due dates, and to request renewals.

EndNote Account ❱

Your EndNote account is used to store resource lists and format bibliographies. EndNote accounts are available for free to UO faculty, students, and staff. You will need to be connected to the UO network to create an account. After your EndNote account is created, you can access it from any device that has internet connection.

Connect From Off-Campus (VPN) ❱

You will need to use the campus VPN (virtual private network) to access many of the Libraries' electronic databases, e-journals, streaming media, and other electronic resources from off-campus. VPN is only available to current UO faculty, students, and staff.

Need help? Contact Us.