Trial Databases

The UO Library has trial access to several databases. As part of the evaluation process, we would like to receive comments from library patrons about the usefulness of these databases.

Comments for Trial Databases

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Databases A to Z

Note: You will need to log in using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) Service to use the resources from off campus.

Hypotheses - Open Edition (Expanded Access)

Participating publishers on the list have opened up their content to users.

COVID-19 Resources

AIP COVID-19 Content

AIP Publishing has identified a collection of research articles relevant to infectious diseases, epidemics, computational epidemiology, and pandemics, and made them free to read.

American Association of Pediatrics Pediatric Collections: COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our everyday lives, we recognize the sacrifices you are making on behalf of us all. We understand that your time is valuable. To assist you in your important work, a new OPEN ACCESS COVID-19 Pediatric Collection has launched.

American Physiological Society Publications for Microbiology COVID-19 Research Registry

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is committed to connecting your institution’s patrons to the science they need and want, with the launch of the COVID-19 Research Registry. The last few weeks has seen COVID-19 scientifically connect the world in ways no one could have ever imagined. Access to relevant and timely information is the key to the breakthrough that will end this global pandemic.

Brill COVID-19 Resources

More than 30 leading STM publishers have committed to making all of their COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications immediately accessible. At Brill we have opened up books and articles on topics such as public health, distance learning, crisis research.

COVID-19 Official Directives, Guidance & Resources

This resource is designed to help you easily find and access Directives, Guidance, and Resources from Official Government sources in the United States. Coverage includes:

  • Federal States
  • Select Municipalities
  • US Territories

Karger COVID-19 articles

Karger is making all published Coronavirus / COVID-19 articles freely available until the end of 2020, in order to support current research initiatives and community health.

Mary Ann Liebert COVID-19 articles

Liebert has made, and will continue to make, all of their COVID-19 research content available for free.

McGraw Hill Medical Access Medicine COVID-19 Central

The AccessMedicine channel for the latest information on the COVID-19 global pandemic.

NEJM Group - Covid-19 Content and Online Teaching Resources

To help you provide trustworthy resources to your patrons, we have created this reference web page containing links to all freely available Covid-19 content from the New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM Journal Watch, NEJM Resident 360, and NEJM Catalyst. In addition to access to original research and other relevant articles, you will also find links to education resources, NEJM multimedia, and teaching resources as well as online journal club discussions hosted every two weeks by NEJM Resident 360, a benefit of your institution subscription.

OSU Knowledge Bank

For the duration of this crisis, all Ohio State University Press University Libraries' Institutional Repository, The Knowledge Bank monographs, and the linguistics textbook language files, will be open and free to use.

ProQuest Coronavirus Research Database

ProQuest has announced the launch of a Coronavirus Research Database in response to the rapidly growing need for authoritative content related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The new cross-disciplinary resource enables researchers to search and discover full-text articles, dissertations and other content from key publishers in one place. Coronavirus Method Development Community is a centralized platform for creating and sharing research methods.

Note: Account will need to be created

RCNI Plus Nursing Standard

To support the nursing community RCNi have developed a dedicated COVID-19 resource centre that is completely free to access for all nurses and frontline NHS staff working with coronavirus patients. Our COVID-19 resource centre is a great way for nurses to keep up to date with the latest news and developments on COVID-19 and what it means for nursing practice. It includes peer-reviewed evidence-based articles and e-learning modules which address some of the areas of care that COVID-19 patients may require, as well as resources designed to help staff stay well during this demanding and stressful period.

Royal Society COVID-19 Collection

This special collection comprises some papers likely to be relevant to the outbreak.

Wiley Online Library COVID-19 Research Resources

It's in these times of crisis where communities come together even more. As a publisher of trusted health science, we've made the relevant research articles, book chapters and entries in our major references freely available below, in support of the global efforts in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and further research in this disease and similar viral respiratory infections. Our approach is to use the world-class information we have available to directly improve health and to support the virtual efforts of healthcare practitioners globally. We are continually monitoring the developments and we will update the content of this page periodically.