Knight Small Study Rooms

About the space
These rooms are small study spaces for no more than 2 people. If a room is unoccupied, you may use it without a reservation, but we strongly recommend making a reservation to ensure you can use the space for the time that you need it. If you do not make a reservation, and another user reserves the space you are in, they will have priority use of the room.
While these rooms are not in designated quiet space, they are not especially soundproof, so users in them should take care so as to avoid disrupting users in adjacent rooms. If you are looking for a space for your group to engage in discussion, probably you want a Knight Reservable Group Study Rooms
Study rooms are not intended for commercial activity, including private tutoring for pay, and such reservations will be removed.
Contact the Knight Library Checkout & Reserves desk at 541-346-3065 or for more information, or to get assistance for reserving a room.