Lockers in the Library

The Knight Library and Price Science Commons each provide free to use lockers for temporary storage of items. Lockers are intended for UO students, faculty, and staff. 

Where are the lockers located?

  • In the Knight Library, lockers are located in the north stairwells of the 1st and 2nd floors. 
  • In PSC they are located in the southwest corner of the open study space, near room B012. 

How to use, and what to keep in mind

  • Follow instructions on the locker terminal to "rent" a locker and set your own code. 
  • The library is not responsible for material kept in lockers.
  • Lockers are cleared out daily, and items left behind will be stored in Lost & Found at the associated checkout desk.
  • Library materials must be checked out before being stored in lockers.
  • Don't store food or drinks in the lockers.
  • Lockers are subject to inspection at any time. Staff will inspect lockers when any of the following are present: odors, moisture, physical damage, defacement, or reports of potentially illegal or harmful items.

A student entering a code on the locker terminal

For questions about the lockers, please reach out to, call, or visit the Library.