New Acquisitions

A listing of new items added to the John E. Jaqua Law Library Collections, updated bimonthly.

New Titles (January-February 2025)

New Video

PN1992.77 .S48 2024    
Severance. Season one 
([Beverly Hills, California] : Fifth Season Publishing, LLC, [2024])

PN1992.77 .W55 2022    
The White Lotus. The complete first season 
([New York, NY] : Home Box Office, [2022])

PN1992.77 .W55 2023    
The White Lotus. The complete second season 
([New York] : Home Box Office, [2023])

PN1992.77 .Y43 2022    
Yellowjackets. Season one 
([New York] : Showtime, [2022])

PN1997.2 .C66732 2025    
(Universal City, CA : Focus Features, [2024])

PN1997.2 .I92 2024    
It ends with us 
(Culver City, California : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2024])

PN1997.2 .N679 2025    
(Universal City, CA : Focus Features, [2025])

PN1997.2 .W53 2025    
Wicked. Part I 
(Universal City, CA : Universal, [2025])

Business & Commercial

HD6095 .C175 2024    
Holding it together : how women became America's safety net 
Jessica Calarco / (New York : Portfolio/Penguin, [2024])

K1329.5 .P67 2024    
Conscience incorporated : pursue profits while protecting human rights 
Michael H. Posner / (New York : New York University Press, [2024])

K1705 .L33 2024    
Labour law utopias : post-growth and post-productive work approaches 
edited by Nicolas Bueno, Beryl Ter Haar, and Nuna Zekić / (Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2024])

K1705 .O94 2024    
The Oxford handbook of the law of work 
edited by Guy Davidov, Brian Langille, and Gillian Lester / (Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2024])

K3850 .C37 2024    
The private enforcement of competition law : an international and analytical perspective 
Pedro Caro de Sousa / (Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2024])

K4345 .H37 2025    
The hashtag hustle : law and policy perspectives on working in the influencer economy 
edited by Taylor Annabell, et al. / (Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025)

KF1501 .J33 2024    
Unjust debts : how our bankruptcy system makes America more unequal 
Melissa B. Jacoby / (New York : The New Press, 2024)

KF1608 .C66 2025    
Consumer protection : understanding enforcement actions brought by state attorneys general 
Ashley L. Taylor Jr. and Brian E. Bowcut, editors / (Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, [2025])

KF6310 .B53 2025    
Untaxed : the rich, the IRS, and a new approach to tax compliance 
Joshua D. Blank, Ari Glogower / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2025)

KF6464 .W73 2025    
The fundamentals of U.S. transfer pricing 
by Steven C. Wrappe / (Washington, DC : American Bar Association, Tax Section, [2025])

Constitutional Law

KF4550 .P69 2024    
Constitutional symmetry : judging in a divided republic 
Zachary S. Price / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

KF4765 .R43 2024    
Due process as American democracy 
Martin H. Redish / (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2024])

KF5399 .M39 2024    
Police interrogation, language, and the law : the invocation game 
Marianne Mason / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

KF8700 .J625 2025    
Malevolent legalities : discriminatology and the specters of Scalia 
Kevin S. Jobe / (Lanham, Maryland : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, [2025])

KF8736 .M37 2025    
Courts unmasked : civil legal system reform and COVID-19 
Alyx Mark / (Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2025])

KF8742 .B32 2024    
The most powerful court in the world : a history of the Supreme Court of the United States 
Stuart Banner / (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2024])

KF8742 .B735 2024    
Stench : the making of the Thomas Court and the unmaking of America 
David Brock / (New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2024)

KF8748 .H67 2024    
The Warren Court and the democratic Constitution 
Morton J. Horwitz / (Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, [2024])

KF8759 .M57 2025    
Society, science, and problem-solving courts 
Monica K. Miller, Mia A. Holbrook, Logan A. Yelderman, and Kylie Kulak / (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2025])

KF8992 .R68 2025    
Overturned : the rhetoric of overruling in the United States Supreme Court 
Clarke Rountree / (Tuscaloosa, Alabama : The University of Alabama Press, [2025])

KF9053 .N49 2023    
Written and unwritten : the rules, internal procedures, and customs of the United States Courts of Appeals 
Jon O. Newman, Marin K. Levy / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

KF9630 .K47 2025    
The digital Fourth Amendment : privacy and policing in our online world 
Orin Kerr / (New York : Oxford University Press, [2025])

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Criminal Law

HQ281 .M39 2024    
Trafficking and the conscience of humanity : a social and legal examination of child trafficking 
Larry May / (New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024)

HV6080 .E58 2025    
Entangled : how people with serious mental illness get caught in misdemeanor systems 
edited by Leah G. Pope, et al. / (Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Association Publishing, [2025])

HV9950 .F75 2025    
Carceral apartheid : how lies and white supremacists run our prisons 
Brittany Friedman / (Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, [2025])

HV9950 .S599 2025    
Criminal justice in divided America : police, punishment, and the future of our democracy 
David A. Sklansky / (Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2025)

K5103 .R47 2024    
Restorative justice in legal systems, education, and the community : reflections on what works, where we can grow, and what's next 
edited by Sandra Pavelka and Anne Seymour / (London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2024)

K5191.W65 K45 2025    
Law, literature, and violence against women : ending the victim blame game 
Erin L. Kelley / (Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2025)

KF9240 .J39 2024    
Protect your people : how ordinary families are using participatory defense to challenge mass incarceration 
Raj Jayadev / (New York : The New Press, 2024)

KF9325 .V67 2024    
Utmost resistance : examining sexual violence law in the United States 
Amy Vorenberg, Jessica Durkis-Stokes, and Jessica Chandler Brown / (Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, [2024])

Dispute Resolution

JZ6368 .T63 2023    
Dying by the sword : the militarization of US foreign policy 
Monica Duffy Toft and Sidita Kushi / (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2023])

KF9084 .V57 2025    
Preventing the dispute before it begins : proven mechanisms for fostering better business relationships 
Kate Vitasek, James P. Groton, Ellen Waldman, and Allen Waxman / (Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, [2025])

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Law Library Collection

HQ77.7 L36 2024    
American teenager : how trans kids are surviving hate and finding joy in a turbulent era 
Nico Lang / (New York : Abrams Press, [2024])

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Environmental & Natural Resources

GB451.2 .B399 2025    
Beach politics : social, racial, and environmental injustice on the shoreline 
edited by Setha Low / (New York, New York : New York University Press, [2025])

GE196 .K655 2024    
The sustainability class : how to take back our future from lifestyle environmentalists 
Vijay Kolinjivadi and Aaron Vansintjan / (New York : The New Press, [2024])

HD243.U8 B78 2025    
Public land and democracy in America : understanding conflict over Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument 
Julie Brugger / (Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [2025])

HD9502.5.W553 M664 2025    
The Crazies : the cattleman, the wind prospector, and a war out West 
Amy Gamerman / (New York : Simon & Schuster, 2025)

K1150 .T43 2025    
The unruly ocean : law and justice in the world's oceans, seas, and shorelines 
Erika Techera and Joy McCann / (New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2025)

K3478 .N4 2024    
Net zero and natural resources law : sovereignty, security, and solidarity in the clean energy transition 
edited by Damilola S. Olawuyi, et al. / (Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2024])

KF3818.3 .G36 2024    
Waters of the United States : POTUS, SCOTUS, WOTUS, and the politics of a national resource 
Royal C Gardner / (Washington, DC : Island Press, [2024])

KFW458 .S336 2024    
Parknapping doesn't pay : the history of rescuing a Pacific Northwest crown jewel 
Darlene Schanfald / ([Citrus Park, Florida] : Gatekeeper Press, 2024)

KZA1390 .S43 2024    
Routledge handbook of seabed mining and the law of the sea 
edited by Virginie Tassin Campanella / (Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024)

LB2806 .S686 2024    
Climate justice and the university : shaping a hopeful future for all 
Jennie C. Stephens / (Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024)

QL82 .W37 2024    
Cull of the wild : killing in the name of conservation 
Hugh Warwick / (London : Bloomsbury Wildlife, 2024)

TD225.F555 C44 2024    
We the poisoned : exposing the Flint water crisis cover-up and the poisoning of 100,000 Americans 
Jordan Chariton / (Lanham, Maryland : Rowan & Littlefield, [2024])

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Family Law

K639 .P37 2024    
Participation in residential childcare : safeguarding children's rights through participation and complaint procedures 
Claudia Equit (ed.) / (Opladen : Verlag Barbara Budrich, [2024])

K5190 .R47 2024    
Research Handbook on Domestic Violence and Abuse 
edited by Mandy Burton, Vanessa Bettinson, Kayliegh Richardson, Ana Speed / (Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, [2024])

KJE983.F35 L69 2024    
Brussels II-ter : cross-border marriage dissolution, parental responsibility disputes and child abduction in the EU 
Nigel Lowe, Constanza Honorati and Michael Hellner / (Cambridge : Intersentia, [2024])

Foreign, Comparative & International

HV8964.S96 U5413 2023    
Syrian gulag : inside Assad's prison system 
Jaber Baker and Uğur Ümit Üngör / (London : I.B. Tauris, 2023)

HV9785.2 .N56 2024    
The incarcerated modern : prisons and public life in Iran 
Golnar Nikpour / (Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2024])

KJE5144.M56 H69 2024    
Headscarves and the Court of Justice of the European Union : an analysis of the case law 
Erica Howard / (Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024)

KJE6778 .S34 2024    
EU food law 
Hanna Schebesta, Kai Purnhagen / (Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2024])

KMH1572 .V453 2024    
Private sins, public crimes : policing, punishment, and authority in Iran 
Farzin, Vejdani / (New Haven : Yale University Press, [2024])

KZ1269 .R68 2023    
The Routledge international handbook on decolonizing justice 
Edited by Chris Cunneen, et al. / (Abingdon, Oxon [UK] : Routledge, 2023)

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Frohnmayer Leadership Law Library Collection

LB2341 .G487 2025    
Post-crisis leadership : resilience, renewal, and reinvention in the aftermath of disruption 
Ralph A. Gigliotti / (New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press, [2025])

Immigration Studies

HV640.4.U5 O576 2022    
Asylum : a memoir & manifesto 
Edafe Okporo / (New York : Simon & Schuster, 2022)

JV7403 .H47 2024    
Colonizing ourselves : Tejano back-to-Mexico movements and the making of a settler colonial nation 
José Angel Hernández / (Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [2024])

Indigenous Peoples

E78.N75 P375 2024    
Damming the reservation : tribal sovereignty and activism at Fort Berthold 
Angela K. Parker / (Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [2024])

E78.S65 D59 2025    
Republic of Indians : empires of Indigenous Law in the early American south 
Bradley J. Dixon / (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2025])

E99.C5 S6487 2024    
Last one walking : the life of Cherokee community leader Charlie Soap 
by Greg Shaw / (Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [2024])

E99.L9 C45 2024    
Unrecognized in California : federal acknowledgment and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians 
Olivia M. Chilcote / (Seattle : University of Washington Press, [2024])

E99.W9 M43 2023    
My name is LaMoosh 
Linda Meanus / (Corvallis, OR : Oregon State University Press, 2023)

KI280 .S73 2025    
Indigenous peoples in the international arena : the global movement for self-determination 
Elsa Stamatopoulou / (Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2025)

KIE110 .E15 2024    
Mastering Native American law 
Angelique W. EagleWoman, Stacy L. Leeds / (Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, LLC, [2024])

KIE3305 .N68 2025    
Criminal convictions in U.S. tribal law : collateral consequences, pardons, and expungements in Indian country 
Andrew Novak / (Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2025)

PS3563.I371535 B66 2024    
The bone picker : native stories, alternate histories 
Devon A. Mihesuah / (Norman, OK : University of Oklahoma Press, [2024]) 

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Intellectual Property & Artificial Intelligence

K564.C6 G75 2024    
Law, death, and robots : the regulation of artificial intelligence in high-risk civil applications 
Keri Grieman / (Oxford, UK : Hart Publishing, 2024)

K564.C6 H89 2024    
Human-robot interaction in law and its narratives : legal blame, procedure, and criminal law 
edited by Sabine Gless, Helena Whalen-Bridge / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

KNQ1155 .I62 2025    
IP protection in China 
Donna Suchy, editor / (Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Intellectual Property Law Section, [2025])

QA76.76.E95 M655 2024    
Co-intelligence : living and working with AI 
Ethan Mollick / ([New York, New York] : Portfolio/Penguin, [2024])


K235 .G74 2023    
The germ of justice : essays in general jurisprudence 
Leslie Green / (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023)

KF250 .B37 2024    
The supreme guide to writing 
Jill Barton / (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2024])

KF272 .P43 2024    
Exploring conflict over the professor's role in U.S. legal education : theory v. practice 
Carlo A. Pedrioli / (Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, [2024])

KF289 .L39 2024    
The law of fraternities and sororities 
edited by Gregory S. Parks / (Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, [2024])

LB2333.2 .N67 2024    
The present professor : authenticity and transformational teaching 
Elizabeth A. Norell / (Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [2024])

LC1091 .C528774 2024    
Civic education in polarized times 
edited by Elizabeth Beaumont and Eric Beerbohm / (New York : New York University Press, [2024])

Nolo Press

No new titles

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Political Studies

JK526 2016 .Z43 2024    
Interference : the inside story of Trump, Russia, and the Mueller investigation 
by Aaron Zebley, James Quarles, and Andrew Goldstein / (New York : Simon & Schuster, 2024)

JK529 .E38 2024    
Why the Electoral College is bad for America 
George C. Edwards III / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

KF4886 .O94 2024    
The Oxford handbook of American election law 
edited by Eugene D. Mazo / (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2024])

Practice of Law

K120 .M83 2025    
Beyond smart : lawyering with emotional intelligence 
Ronda Muir / (Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Dispute Resolution Section, [2025])

K2292 .H45 2024    
How juries work : and how they could work better 
Rebecca K. Helm / (Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2024])

KF300 .F87 2025    
Law's machinery : reforming the craft of lawyering in America's industrial age 
Kellen R. Funk / (New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2025])

KF320.A9 S59 2024    
Show, don't tell : how lawyers can use video to stand out, create more value, and revolutionize their firms 
Temi O. Siyanbade / (Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Law Practicing Division [2025])

KF3823 .R58 2025    
Surprise billing handbook : a guide for lawyers and providers 
Joseph R. Rivet and Jessica L. Gustafson / (Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Health Law Section, [2025])

KF8896 .L39 2025    
The law of class action : fifty-state survey, 2025 
[edited by Elizabeth Cabraser, Fabrice N. Vincent and five others] / (Chicago : American Bar Association, Litigation Section, [2025])

KF9377.A1 F57 2025    
Arson and fire investigation : a legal research guide 
by Joel Fishman, Matthew Regentin / (Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2025)

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Social Justice

F394.H89 B5366 2024    
Houston and the permanence of segregation : an Afropessimist approach to urban history 
David Ponton III / (Austin : University of Texas Press, 2024)

HN90.S64 C43 2024    
The politics of bathroom access and exclusion in the United States 
Sara Chatfield / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

HQ76.3.U5 M39 2024    
Vicious and immoral : homosexuality, the American Revolution, and the trials of Robert Newburgh 
John Gilbert McCurdy / (Baltimore, Maryland : Johns Hopkins University Press, [2024])

HQ767.5.U5 L88 2024    
Undue burden : life-and-death decisions in post-Roe America 
Shefali Luthra / (New York : Doubleday, [2024])

KF299.C48 M67 2024    
More voices of civil rights lawyers : continuing the struggle 
edited by Kent Spriggs / (Gainesville : University Press of Florida, [2024])

KF3771 .M34 2024    
Regulating abortion : the politics of US abortion policy 
Deborah R. McFarlane and Wendy L. Hansen / (Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, [2024])

KF4754.5 .P59 2024    
Making the case for equality : 50 years of legal milestones in LGBTQ history 
by Jennifer C. Pizer and Ellen Ann Andersen / (New York, N.Y. : Monacelli Press, [2024])

KF4758 .O54 2024    
One hundred years of women debating the Equal Rights Amendment : an anthology, 1923-2023 
edited by Melody Lehn, Camille K. Lewis / (New York : Peter Lang, [2024])

Sports Law

GV351 .M69 2024    
College sports : a history 
Eric A. Moyen and John R. Thelin / (Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024)

KF3992.A1 A53 2024    
Sports betting : a legal research guide 
by Christopher B. Anderson, Courtney Selby / (Getzville, New York : William S. Hein & Co., Inc., [2024])

Study Aids

KF390.A4 M67 2017    
Elder law in context 
Rebecca C. Morgan, et al. / (New York : Wolters Kluwer, [2017])

KF505 .C55 2021    
The law of domestic relations in the United States 
Homer H. Clark, Jr., Sanford N. Katz / (St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, [2021])

KF879 .A2 2024    
Selected commercial statutes for sales and contracts courses 
Carol L. Chomsky, Christina L. Kunz, Elizabeth R. Schiltz, Anne Lawton / (Eagan, MN : LEG, Inc. d/b/a West Academic, [2024])

KF915 .L49 2022    
Sales : cases and problems 
Wayne K. Lewis, Gary L. Monserud / (Durham, North Carolina : Carolina Academic Press, [2022])

KF1477 .H49 2023    
Mergers and acquisitions : law, theory, and practice 
Claire A. Hill, Brian JM Quinn, Steven Davidoff Solomon / (St. Paul, MN : West Academic Publishing, [2023])

KF3817 .A916 2021    
Practicing environmental law 
Todd Aagaard, Dave Owen, Justin Pidot / (St Paul, MN : Foundation Press, [2021])

KF4550 .C429 2024    
Constitutional law 
Erwin Chemerinsky / (Burlington, MA : Aspen Publishing, [2024])

KF6356 .P47 2024    
Federal income tax : code and regulations, selected sections (2024-2025) 
edited by Robert J. Peroni / (Riverwoods, IL : Wolters Kluwer, [2022])

KF6369 .S36 2018    
Federal income taxation 
Richard Schmalbeck, et al. / (New York : Wolters Kluwer, [2018])

KF8915 .M38 2021    
Trial techniques and trials 
Thomas A. Mauet, Stephen D. Easton / (New York : Wolters Kluwer, [2021])

KF9219 .K3 2022    
Criminal law and its processes : cases and materials 
Sanford H. Kadish, et al. / (Frederick, MD : Aspen Publishing, [2022])

KF9619 .C745 2020    
Criminal procedure : adjudication and right to counsel 
Ronald Jay Allen, et al. / (New York : Wolters Kluwer, [2020])

KF9685 .L64 2022    
Sentencing law, policy, and practice 
Wayne A. Logan, Michael M. O'Hear / (St. Paul, MN : Foundation Press [2022])

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DS119.77 .T53 2024    
The gates of Gaza : a story of betrayal, survival, and hope in Israel's borderlands 
Amir Tibon / (New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2024)

HQ144.P39 2024    
Empire of purity : the history of Americans' global war on prostitution 
Eva Payne / (Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2024])

HV7436 .E73 2024    
One nation under guns : how gun culture distorts our history and threatens our democracy 
Dominic Erdozain / (New York : Crown, [2024])

K3264.C65 B74 2025    
The private is political : identity and democracy in the age of surveillance capitalism 
Ray Brescia / (New York, New York : New York University Press, [2025])

K3791 .G47 2023    
Cultural objects and reparative justice : a legal and historical analysis 
Patty Gerstenblith / (Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2023)

K5194 .K46 2024    
Inducing intimacy : deception, consent, and the law 
Chloë Kennedy / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

KF3742 .S56 2025    
Homelessness, liberty, and property 
Terry Skolnik / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2025)

KF4757 .F67 2024    
The price they paid : slavery, shipwrecks, and reparations before the Civil War 
Jeff Forret / (New York : The New Press, 2024)

KL147 .C36 2024    
The Cambridge comparative history of ancient law 
edited by Caroline Humfress, David Ibbetson, Patrick Olivelle / (Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2024)

N72.P6 M88 2024    
We make each other beautiful : art, activism, and the law 
Yxta Maya Murray / (Ithaca, New York : Cornell University Press, 2024)

PN1993.5.U6 M2125 2024    
Policing show business : J. Edgar Hoover, the Hollywood blacklist, and Cold War movies 
Francis MacDonnell / (Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2024])

PR878.D4 L63 2024    
The mysterious case of the Victorian female detective 
Sara Lodge / (New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, [2024])   

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Electronic Titles

American nominative reports 
(Getzville, NY: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2024)
Building blocks : essential tools for the bankruptcy practitioner 
edited by David R. Doyle / (Alexandria, VA : American Bankruptcy Institute, [2023])    

Corporate director's guidebook 
Corporate Laws Committee / (Chicago, Illinois : American Bar Association, Business Law Section, [2024])    

How to read a financial report : wringing vital signs out of the numbers 
Tage C. Tracy / (Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2025])    

Lexology Panoramic : Labour and employment disputes 
(London : Lexology, 2024-)    

Litigating sexual harassment & sex discrimination cases 
by Aaron B. Maduff / (Costa Mesa, CA : James Publishing, 2023-)    

The taxation of filmed entertainment content production & distribution 
Michael H. Salama and Brandee A. Tilman / (Arlington, VA : Bloomberg Tax, [2008]-)
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act 
Section of Labor and Employment Law, American Bar Association / (Arlington, VA : Bloomberg BNA, 2017)

Law Popular Reading Collection

Good girl : a novel 
Aria Aber / (New York, NY : Hogarth, [2025])

Private rites : a novel 
Julia Armfield / (New York, NY : Flatiron Books, 2024)

Havoc : a novel 
Christopher Bollen / (New York, NY : Harper, [2025])

All the water in the world : a novel 
Eiren Caffall / (New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 2025)

Karissa Chen / (New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, [2025])

Anita Desai / (New York, NY : Scribner, 2025)

The resurrectionist 
A. Rae Dunlap / (New York : Kensington Publishing Corp., 2025)

Zan : stories 
Suzi Ehtesham-Zadeh / (Ann Arbor, MI : Dzanc Books, 2024)

Beautiful ugly 
Alice Feeney / (New York, NY : Flatiron Books, 2025)

More or less Maddy : a novel 
Lisa Genova / (New York : Scout Press, 2025)

Mothers and sons : a novel 
Adam Haslett / (New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2025)

The shutouts : a novel 
Gabrielle Korn / (New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 2024)

The lost house 
Melissa Larsen / (New York : Minotaur books, 2025)

The Hatak witches 
Devon A. Mihesuah / (Tucson : The University of Arizona Press, [2021])

How does that make you feel, Magda Eklund? : a novel 
Anna Montague / (New York, NY : Ecco, [2024])

The city and its uncertain walls 
Haruki Murakami / (New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2024)

The naming of the birds : a novel 
Paraic O'Donnell / (Portland, Oregon : Tin House, 2025)

The art thieves 
Andrea L. Rogers / (Montclair : Levine Querido, 2024)

Playworld : a novel 
Adam Ross / (New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2025)

Rental house 
Weike Wang / (New York : Riverhead Books, 2024)

Water moon : a novel 
Samantha Sotto Yambao / (New York : Del Rey, [2025])


No new titles  


BT877 .L96 2024    
Everything must go : the stories we tell about the end of the world 
Dorian Lynskey / (New York : Pantheon Books, [2024])

E169.12 .S53 2025    
Y2K : how the 2000s became everything : essays on the future that never was 
Colette Shade / (New York, NY : Dey St., [2025])

RC343 .F37 2023    
The battle for your brain : defending the right to think freely in the age of neurotechnology 
Nita A. Farahany / (New York, NY : St. Martin's Press, 2023)

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