Accessing and Using the Makerspace

Required Safety Test
To use the MakerSpace, please review the policies, sign the release waiver, and complete the safety test. Processing may take 1-3 business days.

Schedule Equipment Orientation
Some equipment in the Makerspace requires training before use. To book an orientation, click the button below and select an available time.

Reserve Equipment
The laser cutter, embroidery machine, industrial sewing machine, and vinyl cutter can be reserved in advance. All other MakerSpace equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

MakerSpace Policies
To ensure a safe and productive environment, please review our MakerSpace policies by category below. By using the MakerSpace, you agree to follow these guidelines.

Full Equipment list
The following equipment is available for use. Items marked with an * require prior training, either through a workshop or, if staff are available, individual instruction.

3D Printing Request and Policies
The UO Science Library provides 3D printing services for all faculty, students, and staff. Costs are calculated per gram when using our materials. There is no charge if you provide approved materials.