Collection Strategies


Collection Strategies supports all types and formats of scholarly resources and creative outputs, integrating them into a healthy ecosystem that sustains the dynamic lifecycle of collections to advance the teaching, learning, and research of the University of Oregon community. The department encompasses collection planning and budgeting; acquisition and collaborative collection development of physical and electronic resources; management and troubleshooting access to electronic resources; cataloging of online serials; management of serials cataloging in all formats; and liaising with other collection-related fields, such as subject specialties, cataloging, special collections, ILL, open resources, and institutional/data repositories. The department builds strong partnerships within the UO campus and with external partners to lead advances in practice and to contribute to regional, national, and international resource collection and curation efforts.

The department overseen by the Director of Collection Strategies includes around 10 Career Faculty Librarians, Officers of Administration, and Classified Staff. 

Key Activities

  • Creating holistic and cohesive collection strategies 
  • Collaborating with other departments to provide intellectual, virtual, and physical access to the Libraries’ collections
  • Working with subject specialists to guide the development and management of general library collections
  • Providing for the acquisition of content in all formats
  • Managing access to electronic resources
  • Cataloging electronic serials
  • Managing cataloging of serials in all formats 
  • Providing oversight of subject specialists’ deselection projects
  • Evaluating overlap of print and electronic collections
  • Ensuring a healthy ecosystem of all library materials
  • Managing consortia collection programs, collection assessment, and analysis