Security Cameras - Unit Level Policy

The University of Oregon Libraries (UO Libraries) values academic freedom and personal privacy, and employs security cameras only to the extent required to assist in protecting library resources and providing safety for library users.

Purpose and Scope

The UO's Security Camera Policy provides University-wide policy statements regarding the purpose and use of security cameras. That policy governs the use of cameras in the UO Libraries; this document outlines circumstances specific to the UO Libraries.

Security cameras may be placed strategically in and around the UO Libraries to meet the specific needs of library departments and to assist the UO Police Department (UOPD) in its efforts to deter crime; protect library staff and patrons, facilities, collections, and equipment; assist with emergency response situations; and investigate suspected criminal behavior. No security cameras will be installed without approval of the Vice Provost and University Librarian and the Chief of UOPD.

The UO Libraries will consult with the UOPD and follow UO policy and federal and state law, with respect to retention, equipment, and software specifications and maintenance requirements for security cameras.

Public Notification and Review

Security cameras will not be installed in areas where an individual would have a reasonable expectation of privacy as defined by state and/or federal law.

Library areas that are monitored by security cameras will be conspicuously marked to inform the public that the area is under video monitoring for security purposes.

Review of the placement of security cameras will occur once a year. Individuals with concerns about the rationale for monitoring a particular area may address their concerns to the Vice Provost and University Librarian.

Monitoring Live Feed and Review of Recorded Video Data

Authorization to retrieve and review recorded information held by UOPD is restricted to UOPD personnel. Any public or other agency requests for recorded video images will be promptly submitted to the Office of the General Counsel and the Chief of UOPD. Every reasonable effort will be undertaken by the UOPD to preserve the data requested until the request has been finally processed by UOPD and the Office of the General Counsel. Public and media requests for video images captured by security cameras will be made available only to the extent required by law. In many cases, particularly where a student is identifiable, a lawfully-issued subpoena will be required.

Viewing of security camera feeds (live or recorded) for security purposes other than law enforcement will only be permitted with the express permission of the Vice Provost and University Librarian in consultation with the Chief of UOPD and the Office of the General Counsel.  In general, only UOPD personnel will have access to live or recorded information, but on rare occasions, with specific security purposes and with appropriate permission and training, UO Libraries’ staff will be permitted to monitor live feeds. All UO Libraries staff who monitor live feeds must be fully trained in ethical conduct, state and federal law reporting obligations, and the handling of confidential information.

This is a unit-level policy that offers additional specificity to the broader campus policy. This has been implemented by Library Administration after consultation with the Library Council and the Office of the General Counsel.