Requesting Summit Materials

Summit is a group of academic libraries in the PNW that use a shared library catalog to easily lend material to each other for free through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request if you need something that isn't available in the UO Libraries collection and we will try to get it for you. Material borrowed from Summit-member libraries generally arrives within three to five business days. Member Libraries are listed on this page.

The Requesting at UO Libraries Research Guide has detailed instructions on how to submit an ILL request.

Summit Policies

  • Summit libraries will only lend to current employees and students of other participating libraries. 
  • There are no fees for using Summit.
  • There is not a set limit to the number of ILL requests sent to Summit libraries; however, we may not be able to process a large number of transactions simultaneously from any one individual. Please use ILL judiciously.
  • All ILL-related notifications are sent via e-mail.
  • Because each request involves expenses, staff time at both the lending and borrowing libraries, and includes mailing costs, please be sure to pick up the material you requested when you're notified that it has arrived. If you find you don't need the material, please let us know as soon as possible so we can return it to the owning library.
  • Due dates for Summit material are set by the owning library.
  • Most Summit material is renewable but renewal requests must be approved by the lending library. Renew material under My Loans in your LibrarySearch account.
  • Lost/damaged Summit material is subject to fines and fees.
  • You are able to track the progress of your ILL requests and see what items you have checked out via your LibrarySearch account.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Resource Sharing office at 541-346-3055 or