Laptop Checkout for UO Students, Staff, and Faculty

Who can check out and where

Current UO students, staff, or faculty presenting UO ID may check out a Dell PC laptop for 4 hours. Laptops are available at the PSC Library and Knight Library Checkout desks.

Software and Saving Files


The laptops have the Microsoft Office suite of applications.

Users may not alter the machine's software or file structures, which includes downloading software. Users may be billed repairing machines if this is done. 

Saving files:

Back up your work off of the laptop. The laptops delete files every time they shut down, and when you return the laptop it will be shut down.

  • Upload to your UO OneDrive account 
  • Upload to your personal Cloud Storage
  • A thumbdrive
  • By emailing small documents to yourself.

How can I check it out for longer?

  • If laptops are in low demand, renewals will be granted. You need to come to the Library in person to ask to renew. Renewals can’t be made over the phone or email.
  • A laptop checked out near closing time will be due the next day the library is open.

What happens if a laptop is returned late or I damage it?

Late Fines:
  • Laptops are subject to high late fines, $20.00 per hour, for any fraction of the hour late. "Fraction of an hour" means that if a laptop is due at 8:00 am and returned to the desk at 9:05 am, a $40.00 fine would be charged.
  • Users who repeatedly return machines late may be blocked from checking out laptops in the future.
  • We visually inspect the machine before checkout for damages.
  • If a user damages the laptop, they are charged for repair. The amount charged will depend on the nature and extent of the damages. In extreme cases the full replacement cost of the laptop may be assessed.

 If a borrower wishes to appeal a fine because the laptop was returned late or damaged due to unusual circumstances, they can begin at the desk they checked the laptop out from, or file an appeal using the Libraries' appeals form

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