Borrowing Policies - Graduate Students

Policies on this page pertain to UO graduate students, graduate employees, and seniors in the Clark Honors College. 

Your UO ID card is your library card. Visiting students will need to show photo ID and log in to their institutional accounts to borrow.     

Borrower Responsibilities:

  • You are responsible for knowing the due date of library material that is checked out to you, and for returning material on time
  • All items are subject to recall by other library users at any time, including breaks between terms; if a recall shortens your loan period you will receive an email notification
  • Borrowing-related notifications are sent to your institutional email address (

Loan Periods:

  • Books: 6 months
  • AV material: 6 days
  • Bound journals: 6 days
  • Summit material: 12 weeks plus one 6 week renewal
  • Interlibrary Loan material: Due date determined by the lending library
  • Course Reserves and equipment loans: 2 hours to 7 days
  • Video Games: 6 weeks
  • Videogame hardware: until 3pm on the third day
  • Renewals: Eligible UO material will renew automatically unless requested by another user. Summit and Interlibrary loan materials do NOT automatically renew.
  • When maximum loan period has been reached, users will receive a courtesy email notification

Fees and Overdue Fines:  

  • Books and Summit or ILL material: $.50/day
  • AV material: $2/day
  • Recalled material: $5/day
  • Equipment and other short loans: varies
  • Course Reserves material: $3/hour
  • Video Games: $2/day
  • Videogame hardware: $2/hour
  • Damaged or lost items: Items are evaluated for repair, and assessed fees depending on the level of repair needed. Users may inquire about replacement of individual items in lieu of paying a replacement fee. We do not allow replacements of bound periodicals or personal course reserve items. The total charge will include the repair or replacement charge (if applicable), plus any accrued fines, plus $20 non-refundable service charge. 
  • Library charges may be appealed using this form. Submissions will be reviewed by library staff and you can expect a response within one week