Science Library Bound Journals

Many of the journals that were previously held in print in the Science Library have been superseded by online access to the same content.  If the title you're looking for says "online access," you should be able to click through to an HTML or PDF file of the article or quickly access a PDF by way of InterLibrary Loan. 

Those print journals held by the Science Library that are not available online are are available for UO users to page or request two ways:

  • If you need a specific article, where you know the citation, submit your request using the "Scan & Deliver" link in the catalog above the title.  This will look a lot like requesting an article via InterLibrary Loan.  UO borrowers are eligible to request articles from titles we own, and we will page the volume, scan the article, and send you a PDF file.
  • If you need a specific volume or volumes, where you want to read through multiple articles or browse the content for a title for some discrete span of time, submit a request for the volume.  To get to a list of the volumes associated with a title, open the "find it in a library" tab and click on the Math Library Science Journals location.  Once a list of volumes appears, locate your volume and click the link on the far right that says "request item."  Choose a library to which you want the volume sent; for example, you might want it brought to the Science or Knight Libraries.

If your needs are particularly urgent or difficult to define, it is possible to arrange a time to go to the stacks and browse for yourself; however, since the some of space has both limited hours and poor accessibility, our suggestion is that you use the above options if you can.  Feel welcome and encouraged to contact the Science Library at 541 346-3075 or if you have questions or have trouble placing a request.