Digital Collections - UO Portland Library

Person sitting on a bench using a labtop computer

The UO Libraries provides access to a variety of digital resources.  Below are some of special interest to the UO Portland community.

Oregon Digital - A collaboration with Oregon State University, the Oregon Digital collection includes

Scholars' Bank - University of Oregon's institutional repository with faculty articles, data, and student works, including theses and dissertations.

Digital Images - This research guide lists dozens of sources for digital images in a variety of categories.

HathiTrust - This digital library contains almost 15 million volumes accessible to the UO community.

Kanopy Streaming Video - Free, unlimited access to thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films, and theatrical releases

Local and Regional Documents Archive - Government and NGO documents relating to Oregon

Oregon Explorer - Natural resources digital library provided by Oregon State University

Docuseek2 - Documentary and Social Issues Film/Video - Free, unlimited access for the UO community