Course Reserve Request Form

Request Print Materials from the Library Collection for Course Reserves

The form below is used when you want to place physical materials from the UO Library collection on reserve.

Please use the online Faculty/GE Course Reserves Order Form if you’d like to request that the Library purchase and add your desired book to our collection, for you to put on course reserves.

Digitization of Materials

We do not have electronic course reserves at this time.

If you need PDF copies of articles, book chapters, or other print media that are in the UO Library collections, please submit a Scan and Deliver request. You can then upload materials your Canvas site. The Canvas Support Team can help answer questions.

Indicates required field
Course Information
Item Information
How long materials can check out. 90 minutes and 4 hours are the most common choices and do allow overnight use.
You will receive a confirmation email for each submission.