Student work from current or past terms is protected under federal law and university policy:
- FERPA (Family Educational Right to Privacy Act)
- UO Student Records policy.
If you are placing on reserve originals or copies of student work, or video or audio cassettes of student performances, they may not have student identification numbers on them.
- If the items have personally identifying material on it (e.g.; names, grades, images) you must have on file written permission from that student. If the name, grade, or image appears on the work, you should document that the student has been made aware of this before they signed the permission statement.
- If the items do not have personally identifying material on it, you are not required to have written permission from the student.
Important note: removing names or other identifiers from student work does not relieve the instructor from copyright responsibility. You must obtain the student's permission.
Your signature on the Reserve Request Form indicates that you have complied with FERPA and copyright guidelines.
For more information about FERPA you may contact Sue Eveland, University Registrar.
Links to FERPA-related web pages:
- Information from the UO Registrar
- University of Nebraska at Kearney (Tutorial)
- United States Department of Education (Legal FullText)