Classrooms 144 (Edmiston) and 267B in Knight Library are used exclusively for Library instruction and training. Priority use is for library instruction requiring hands-on access to electronic resources. This policy is in line with the UO Library Building Use Policy.
Faculty interested in library-related instruction for their students are encourage to contact the subject and area librarian assigned to their department to schedule a class or workshop in Edmiston or 267B classrooms.
Edmiston Classroom, Knight Library 144
The John D. and Rena J. Edmiston Instruction Laboratory (or Edmiston Classroom) was made possible by a gift from a donor to the 1992 Knight Library expansion and renovation project, in honor of her parents. It was recently renovated in 2015.
Capacity: 30 students plus instructor station
Classroom set-up: Pod-configured classroom layout. Instructional purpose of the pod seating arrangement is intended to support collaborative learning.
Technology/Equipment: PC desktops (login required), large flat screen monitor display at each pod, document camera, and DVD multi-region player (more equipment details)
Software: Standard suite for academic work stations. We regret that we are unable to purchase additional software.
Printing: Main Print Station in reference area on main (first) floor of Knight Library
Second Floor Classroom, Knight Library 267b
Capacity: 30 students plus instructor station
Classroom set-up: Movable tables and chairs. Standard set-up is in pods.
Technology/Equipment: 3 large flat screen monitor displays, document camera, and Blu-ray/DVD multi-region player (more equipment details)