Video Game Booking

Video game consoles in the Science Library may be booked (kept available for you for a particular time frame) at any time. When you book a console, please consider checking out the games you'll use, and booking any accessories if they will be needed as well.

Booking via the on-line catalog

You can book game kits via the online catalog. Go to the record for them (looking them up by title, and narrowing using the facets on the left, to Science Library will usually get you what you want), and sign in if you haven't already to make a request.  Requests can be made for any time we are open, but will fail if you try to book them for longer than the typical 3 days, 3pm loan period.  The system  uses a 24-hour clock, so for example if you want to pick up the game Tuesday the 5th  at 9am, you will need to set an end time by counting 3 days (wed-thu-fri, the 6-7-8th) and put in the 8th at 15:00 as your end time to get the right loan period and not have it get hung up on trying to make 3:00 (3am) work -- it will fail.

If you try and get stuck, give us a call, or call the Knight Library circulation desk, where staff are also familiar with bookings.