About Us - Math Library

The Mathematics Library Reading room is on the north side of the 2nd floor of Fenton Hall in room 218.  We will strive to have copies of current textbooks as well as math materials of broad interest in the reading room, and to have space and materials for groups (study groups assembled by students or led by tutors). The rest of the math collection (books and journals) are located on floors 1M, 2, and 2M in the stacks on the west end of the building.

Primary staffing is by students, mostly math and science majors, who will provide library assistance and also drop-in homework help (see FAQ) to students and the public.

Kristin Buxton, the Math Librarian, is in and out of the Math Library throughout the week.  When she is not in the Math Library, you can reach her at the Science Library (most easily by email).  In addition, we encourage Math Department tutors and TAs to hold office hours on floor 1M in the stacks.