Oregon National Forest, BLM Districts and Wilderness Map Call Numbers

The list of call numbers below will help you navigate the Map & Aerial Photography Library. The actual maps can be found in the library's general section, the filing cabinets on the lower level (under the hanging sign "Science Maps") or in our historic collections. There may be a number of revisions or copies for any of the maps. You may also find USGS topographic maps to be of use when doing forest research.

Oregon National Forests Map

Oregon National Forests Map

National Forest Maps
Forest Name Classification Number
Fremont G 4292 F7
Malheur G 4292 M3
Mt. Hood G 4292 M6
Rogue River G 4292 R713
Siskiyou G 4292 S55
Siuslaw G 4292 S6
Umatilla G 4292 U5
Umpqua G 4292 U6
Wallowa-Whitman G 4292 W32
Willamette G 4292 W5/
Winema G 4292 W


Oregon Wilderness Area
Wilderness Area Classification Number
Badger Creek G 4292 .B3
Black Canyon G 4292 B57
Boulder Creek G 4292 .B7
Bridge Creek G 4292 B84
Bull of the Woods G 4292 B85
Cummins Creek G 4292 C8
Diamond Peak G 4292 D5
Eagle Cap G 4292 E15
Gearhart Mountain G 4292 G43
Hells Canyon G 4292 .H43
Kalmiopsis G 4292 .K35
Mill Creek G 4292 M527
Mount Hood G 4292 M615
Mount Jefferson G 4292 M62
Mount Thielsen G 4292 M64
Mount Washington G 4292 M64
Mountain Lakes G 4292 M67
North Fork John Day G 4292 N7
North Fork Umatilla G 4292 N72
Red Butte G 4292 R44
Sky Lakes G 4292 S618
Strawberry Mountains G 4292 S75
Three Sisters G 4292 T5
Waldo Lake G 4292 W25

Oregon BLM Districts Map

Oregon BLM Districts Map

Oregon BLM Districts
District Name Classification Number
Central Oregon Public Lands G4291.G5 1994 .U5
Coos Bay G4294.C5E63 .U5
Eugene G4292.E8E63 .U5
Lakeview G4291.G5 .U5
Lower Deschutes Public Lands, G4292.D42G5 1986 .U5
Medford G4294.M4G5 .U5
Roseburg G42924.R8E63 .U5
Salem G4294.S3E63 .U5
Upper and Lower John Day Public Lands G4292.J67G5 1991 .U5
Vale G4293.M3E63 .U5