Course Reserves

Materials that are on Course Reserves are easy for students to access and have shortened loan periods. They are available to be checked out from our various library locations. Course Reserves include library- and instructor-owned books, videos, audio recordings, and other physical materials that support instruction. 

Information for Students

What's available? Search by either instructor's name or by course to find titles and call numbers of materials on reserve for your class. Not all classes will have course reserves, it depends on the instructor. 

Search for items on Course Reserves 


Information for Instructors

A student and a librarian looking at a laptop together


Q: What about electronic resources, like articles and scans?
A: The Canvas course management system is used by most instructors to provide digital course readings, handouts, announcements, assignments, and grades.
Students: Log in to Canvas here
Instructors: For assistance uploading scanned files to Canvas, please contact Canvas Support Services.

Q: What are the overdue charges Course Reserves items?
A: Late fee is $3.00 per hour. Lost item fee is minimum $75 replacement charge per item plus $20 service charge plus any accrued late fees.

Q: What if the material I need is not on Course Reserves?
A: Check with your instructor to see if they will be putting materials on Course Reserves this term. Once your instructor drops off the material, it can take a day or two to be processed.

Q: I need to watch a VHS/DVD that is on Course Reserves and I don't have a VCR/DVD player. Where can I watch it?
A: There are four DVD and VHS viewing stations on the first floor of Knight Library in the computer lab.

Q: I'm teaching a class. How do I put my course-required materials on Course Reserves?
A: Please see our Course Reserves information for faculty page.

Q: Who do I contact if I have questions about checking out Course Reserves?
A: For most questions, contact the Knight Library Checkout & Reserves desk at 541-346-3065 or


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